GCP Serverless NLP processing vs AWS
Feb 23, 2021
In the past I had the opportunity to use some of the NLP capabilities available in Amazon Comprehend. This time I wanted to give it a shoot at Google Cloud Platform and try some of the features offered in Google Natural Language. As I wanted to validate feasibility, I wanted to use only serverless products. […]
The right choice between message queues and event streaming
Jan 13, 2021
Should you go after ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ or similar? What about Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, etc.…? Your choice, as all of them, will have consequences so you want to be as sure as possible before committing. Before drilling down let us simplify agreeing that there are two groups: “MQ” which include products like IBM MQ or […]
Choosing between graph databases vs RDBMS
Nov 19, 2020
Graph databases excel that will benefit of treating relationships are first class citizens and handling complex data structures. Still, it is hard to ignore the maturity, reliability and talent availability for traditional RDBMS which make the decision harder to make. There is an inherent risk when embracing modern and newer solutions and so architects need […]
Getting EA beyond tactical
Sep 22, 2020
Making EA programs strategic is often a challenge for enterprise architecture teams. Often organizations fail to embrace with EA as an influencer across the enterprise. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to find out if your EA team is heading in the right direction: What are the steps to increase the organization EA maturity? […]